Closing the year with the last Taking Stock post of the year. It is coming a little late because of my year end vacation. Much of my investments were in auto-pilot past few weeks - so not much to report except year end larger contributions and usual market fluctuations. I also converted an non-deductible IRA into a ROTH IRA - actually combined with an existing ROTH IRA.
Total Investment Portfolio: 46.6 Units
VanGogh: 11 Units in an aggressive asset allocation model - 70% Stock (30% US, 20% Developed Non-US, 20% Emerging Markets), 30% Bonds. I am waiting for the next rebalancing opportunity to reduce my bond exposure - especially with long term treasuries.Bernini: 11 Units, in a conservative asset allocation model - 53% Stock (28% US, 25% International), 33% Bonds, 14% Real Estate and Others. It is on auto-pilot - it will go where it will go. I am assuming a nominal 3% growth rate for this account.
ElGreco: 10 Units in an aggressive asset allocation model - 70% Stock (40% US, 30% International), 30% Bonds. I will be moving these to a selection of actively managed mutual funds pretty soon.
Klimt: 2 Units in a fixed rate bond fund.Currently yielding 5.67%. Ahhh... the satisfaction of getting perfectly predictable yields. I will think about moving this when the yield goes below 5% - right now I am happy with flat 5.67% yield with no principal fluctuations.
Durer: 3 Units in a Target Retirement Fund with 2050 target. It is currently 90% Stock (67% US, 23% International) and 10% Bonds. I am looking to move these out to an IRA so that I can have more control over this account.
Bruegel: 3 Units, current holdings EPI, FXI and INTC. INTC is struggling to break free but has a decent dividend return. EPI and FXI are looking rather good recently.
Monet: 2 Units, I am holding EWP and F here - and they are both going gangbusters.
DaVinci: 2 Units in JNK for steady returns.Currently yielding 6.89%. There has been some principal appreciation there too - but I am sure that is not going to last for long.
Renoir and Turner: 1 Unit each in DEO, VZ.